History in image:
Every poster on the wall speaks of both an individual/personal and a collective/public story

J. Seidman, You have touched a rock silkscreen Gaborone Botswana 1982
J. Seidman, The people shall govern silkscreen Gaborone Botswana 1982
J. Seidman, Solomon Mahlangu silkscreen Gaborone Botswana 1982
J. Seidman, In the music, silkscreen, Gaborone 1983
J. Seidman, Jonas Gwangwa & Shakawe silkscreen Gaborone Botswana 1983
J. Seidman, Thami as craftsman silkscreen Gaborone Botswana 1985
J. Seidman, Gaborone Raid poster silkscreen Gaborone Botswana 1985
J. Seidman, COSATU 1991 Congress litho Johannesburg, SA 1991
J. Seidman, Cosas AIDS litho Johannesburg, SA 1992
J. Seidman, CODESA litho Johannesburg, SA 1992
J. Seidman, Time to Act litho Johannesburg, SA 1993 (reproduction)
J. Seidman, Women we have fought for our rights Johannesburg, SA 1994
J. Seidman, Crush Racism litho Johannesburg, SA 2002
J. Seidman, Stop Job losses in our mines, COSATU 2002
J. Seidman, Save our Clothing Factories, COSATU 2002
J. Seidman with 1 in 9 Campaign, Freedom now, not another 60 years, Johannesburg 2017